Quality Assurance

What best distinguishes Monte Castello is the so-called 'short supply chain'. In order to ensure a high quality product at the end of the whole process, we put every possible effort into carefully controlling every single process, from the choice of varieties, to the cultivation technique, right up to the final processing.
The processing chain that bears the Monte Castello name qualifies as short, fast, uninterrupted and safe, precisely to assure the consumer of the fundamental nutritional quality of the product, as shown by the table on the label of each package. This is a further certification of guarantee and authenticity for those who care about healthy and genuine cuisine and for those who pay particular attention to the regulations in force in the sector.
Behind these steps lies the great care taken by owner Bruno and his staff, the result of years of experience in the field, lessons learned and the utmost respect for the tradition of the Marche region, enhanced in all its purity.
Due to the constant dedication to our work, respect for nature and safety demonstrated by our products and production over the years, the certifying bodies that have carried out checks and inspections on our work have awarded us the following quality certifications:

Integrated Production
Integrated production is an agricultural production system that prioritizes the use of natural resources and regulation mechanisms in partial replacement of chemicals, ensuring sustainable agriculture and a lower environmental impact.

International Food Standard - IFS
It is one of the food safety-related standards recognized by the Global Safety Initiative (GSFI), an international initiative whose main purpose is to strengthen and promote food safety throughout the supply chain.

Qualità delle Marche - QM
"QM" is the quality mark awarded by the MARCHE REGION to those AGRICULTURAL-FOOD FARMS that operate in compliance with integrated production specifications and have their production chain subjected to the CONTROL of accredited bodies.

Organic Agriculture - BIO
Organic farming , regulated by the European Union, is a global system of farm management and food production based on the interaction between best practices in the field of environment and climate action, a high level of biodiversity, safeguarding natural resources and strict production standards suited to the preferences of a growing number of consumers for products obtained with natural substances and processes. Organic production therefore performs a dual social function, providing, on the one hand, a specific market that responds to consumer demand for organic products and, on the other, providing the public with goods that contribute to environmental protection and to rural development.